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Image search results - "september"

Sickle Cell1084 views
CHOROIDAL Melanoma927 views
Retinal Detachmet801 views
Angiogram of PDR966 views
PDR with subhyloid hem937 viewsPDR with subhyloid hem
Malattia leventinese1652 viewsBasal laminar drusen in a perifoveal radial distribution are noted in this rare condition. Inheritance is AD with variable expressivity but full penetrance.
Retinal Pigment Epithelial Detachment with no Sub-Retinal Fluid...1157 viewsA 38-year old male who comes in with blurred vision in the left eye. VA is 20/30. Notices a defect inferior of his central vision. Did an Fluorescence Angiogram to determine an RPE with no sub retinal fluid. Also OCT confirms. Patient was injected with Avastin.
Stargardt's Dystrophy - Silent Choroid - Fluorscein Angiogram821 views
Retinal Hemorrhage 1015 viewsFundus photography shows central retinal hemorrhage. Patient was treated with Avastin Injection and will be followed up in 4-weeks.
late phase FA809 views50+ YO female presented with DM type 1;
PT presented with PDR s/p extensive PRP
FA showed CNV OD
VA stable at 20/150 for 1 year
Bullseye Maculopathy without Plaquinel849 viewsFundus photograph reveals Bull's-eye maculopathy without the use of plaquinel. Patients VA is 20/20, Right eye and 20/25, Left eye. There are reported cases of Scleroderma patients with retinal pigment epithelial atrophy. Will return for follow up in 6-months.
Bullseye Maculopathy without Plaquinel815 viewsFundus photograph reveals Bull's-eye maculopathy without the use of plaquinel. Patients VA is 20/20, Right eye and 20/25, Left eye. There are reported cases of Scleroderma patients with retinal pigment epithelial atrophy. Will return for follow up in 6-months.
Choroidal Melanoma825 viewsPatient comes in with spot in vision in the right eye. Fundus photography shows medium size melanoma adjacent to the optic nerve and measures 13mm across horizontally and 6mm diameter in thickness. Patient will undergo proton beam therapy.
Retinal Detachment with Retinal Tear733 viewsPatient comes in with complaints of floaters in the right eye. VA was 20/40 with no improvement. Fundus exam shows retinal detachment from 9-12 o'clock with hole at 10:30 posteriorly. Pneumatic Retinopexy was performed with C3F8 Gas bubble and laser around the retinal tear in the right eye.
Bilateral Papilledema1016 viewsYoung female that presents with severe frequent headaches. VA is 20/15 in both eyes. Fundus exam reveals swelling of both optic nerves.
Acute Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy (AMPPE) related scarring912 views
Papilledema323 views
Retinal Tear with Laser Treatment1007 viewsPatient comes in with blurry vision and mild floaters in the left eye. Fundus photo shows retinal tear with fluid present in the superior nasal quadrant of the left eye. Laser Retinopexy was performed to fix the retinal tear.
Macular Pucker923 viewsPatient comes in for followup on macular pucker, right eye. VA is 20/50 in the right eye...Fundus photo shows prominent pucker centrally pulling temporally in the right eye.
Vitreo-Traction due to Diabetic Retinopathy924 viewsPatient comes in for follow up on her diabetes. VA is 20/30 in the right eye. Fundus photos shows thick traction nasally to the optic nerve forming a ring around the macula. Will follow up in 6-months.
Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium1099 viewsPatient comes in with vision changes in the right eye. VA is 20/30 in the right eye. Fundus and FAF photos show a large area of Hypertrophy in the right eye.
Metastatic Choroidal Lesion834 viewsYoung female with choroidal lesion with subretinal fluid in the left eye. VA is finger count in the left eye.
Retinal Artery Occlusion1131 viewsPatient comes in for eval on artery occlusions in both eyes. VA is 20/400, right eye and NLP, left eye. Fundus photos show paniretinal scars in the right eye with arterial narrowing and the left eye has arterial narrowing as well.
Flower Cataract1137 viewsPatient with ahmed tube and flower cataract
Free Floating Dislocated Lens in Vitreous814 viewsPatient comes in aphakic with dislocated lens floating to the back of the eye when laying down. Lens is laying up against the endothelium of the cornea when patient is right side up..
25 files on 1 page(s)