Retina Gallery ~ Full Sized Retina Images

Library of Free, Non-Copyrighted Retina Images and Videos

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Retina Gallery is a resource for teaching and learning through exchange of interesting retina cases and the sharing of high quality images of retinal diseases. You can download images from the site without registering.
Retina Gallery has been live since October 20, 2010. As an independent site, is and will always be free, and this site is and will always be open to ALL retina physicians and allied personnel. MORE
Anterior SegmentCornea, Iris, Lens disorders
ChoroidChoroidal Folds, Sclerochoroidal Calcification, Choroidal Atrophy
Congenital AnomaliesPhakomatoses, Hamartoma, Coloboma, Myelinated Nerve Fiber Layer, Persistent Fetal Vasculature (PHPV)
DystrophiesRetinal - Macular - RPE - Choroidal: Best's Disease, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Stargart's Macular Dystrophy, X-linked retinoschisis
Iatrogenic DiseasesComplications of surgery - anterior segment (lens fragments, dislocated IOL, choroidal hemorrhage) or posterior segment (retinal injury, vitrectomy or scleral buckle complications). Also complications of laser surgery. Side effects of ocular or systemic medications.
Macular Disease
Macular Degeneration - Age Related, Myopic, Choroidal Neovascular MembranesAge-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) - Dry, Wet, Atrophic, Drusen ..., Angioid Myopic Macular Degeneration, Pattern Dystrophy, Other CNVM (Angioid Streaks, Idiopathic, Optic Nerve Drusen)
Macular Diseases - Acquiredcentral serous retinopathy, cystoid macular edema, macular hole, macular pucker, juxtafoveal telangiectasis (MacTel), toxic retinopathy
Mystery cases or findingsCases or findings that are mysterious
Normal ExamplesPhotos, Fluorescein Angiograms, OCT's, Ultrasounds - Normal Examples
Optic Nerve Diseaseanterior ischemic optic neuropathy, drusen, myopic nerves, glaucoma, optic atrophy, papilledema, trauma, etc
Peripheral Retinal DegenerationEccentric Disciform, Pavingstone Degeneration, Peripheral Pigment Degeneration, Lattice Degeneration
Posterior Uveitis - Chorioretinitis
Infectious UveitisToxoplasmosis, Toxocariasis, Cytomegalovirus Retinitis, Acute Retinal Necrosis, Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis, Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis (nematode), Fundgal Endophthalmitis, Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome
Non-infectious Posterior UveitisAPMPPE, AZOOR, MEWDS, PIC, Multifocal Choroiditis, Birdshot Chorioretinitis, Serpiginous Choroiditis, Subretinal Fibrosis
Paraneoplastic / Auto-immune ChorioretinopathyAuto-immune retinopathy, Bilateral diffuse melanocytic proliferation, Cancer associated retinopathy, Melanoma associated retinopathy, acute exudative polymorphous paraneoplastic retinopathy
Retinal DetachmentRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Complex Retinal Detachment with Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy, Retinal Tear, Lattice Degeneration, and Retinoschisis
Retinal Vascular Disease
Diabetic RetinopathyAll manifestations of diabetic retinopathy, proliferative, background, macular edema, non-perfusion, ischemia, hemorrhage, retinal detachment, surgical pre and post-op images.
MacroaneurysmArterial Macroaneurysm, Venous Macroaneurysm, Coats Disease
Retina Vascular OcclusionsRetinal vein or arterial occlusions
Retinal Vascular Disease associated with Systemic DiseaseHypertensive retinopathy, hemoglobinopathies, anemia, pregnancy, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), valsalva retinopathy and other retinal vascular diseases that are manifestations of systemic diseases.
Tumors, Masses, Pigmented LesionsAll eye tumors, choroidal, retinal, iris ... Melanoma, Retinoblastoma, Hemangioma, Osteoma, Nevus, Sclerochoroidal calcification
Choroidal Melanoma and Choroidal NevusChoroidal Melanoma, Ciliary Body Melanoma, Iris Melanoma, Nevus, CHRPE (Congenital Hypertrophy of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium)
Other Choroidal TumorsChoroidal Metastasis, Sturge-Weber, Hemangioma, Osteoma, Lymphoma
Tumors of the Retina and Retinal Pigment EpitheliumRetinoblastoma, Capillary Hemangioma, Paraneoplastic Syndromes (BDUMP), Melanocytoma, Primary Ocular Lymphoma
TraumaChoroidal Rupture, Sclopteria Chorioretinitis, Etc.
VitreousVitreous hemorrhage, asteroid hyalosis, other vitreous disease
Retina Gallery User GalleryThis category contains albums that belong to Retina Gallery users who do not include their albums in the other specified categories on the website.
Best Images - 2012 - 2014These are excellent images from 2012 - 2014 during which there was a monthly best image award contest on this website.
17,350 files in 1,377 albums and 50 categories with 72 comments viewed 6,959,364 times