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Papilledema Probable to Pseudo-tumor Cerebri
A 24-year old female who presents severe headaches and vision loss over the past 6-months. VA was 20/40 with pinhole 20/25, right eye and 20/25, left eye. Fundiscopic exam reveals 3-4 plus papilledema of both optic nerves. Patient has VF defects inferior, nasal-right eye and enlarged blind spot with an inferior arcuate defect present. Patient will get MRI and work-up with treatment in the hospital. 
Keywords: june2013

Papilledema Probable to Pseudo-tumor Cerebri

A 24-year old female who presents severe headaches and vision loss over the past 6-months. VA was 20/40 with pinhole 20/25, right eye and 20/25, left eye. Fundiscopic exam reveals 3-4 plus papilledema of both optic nerves. Patient has VF defects inferior, nasal-right eye and enlarged blind spot with an inferior arcuate defect present. Patient will get MRI and work-up with treatment in the hospital.

Closed_Angle.JPG 49766_003.JPG 49873_004.JPG 49884_005.JPG 49914_012.JPG