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19 year old feamle noticed new floaters that then progressed and also a little blur inside the vision in the right eye. Usually floaters come and go. Since she saw a vision problem she went in for a check. The blurring is especially a problem at work looking at a white screen. This is all in the right eye. She noticed the floaters with the blur about a week ago. She had floaters before that came and went a few years ago. She was born and lived in Brazil until age 10. She then moved to Florida. VA 20/20 in both eyes

Toxoplasmosis - Reactivation 19 year old Brazilian Native354 views20/20 vision with recurrent floaters. No treatment was offered because of peripheral location of the active lesion.00000
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Toxoplasmosis - Reactivation 19 year old Brazilian Native330 views20/20 vision with recurrent floaters. No treatment was offered because of peripheral location of the active lesion.00000
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Toxoplasmosis - Reactivation 19 year old Brazilian Native331 views20/20 vision with recurrent floaters. No treatment was offered because of peripheral location of the active lesion.00000
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Toxoplasmosis - Reactivation 19 year old Brazilian Native356 views20/20 vision with recurrent floaters. No treatment was offered because of peripheral location of the active lesion.00000
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19 year old feamle noticed new floaters that then progressed and also a little blur inside the vision in the right eye. Usually floaters come and go. Since she saw a vision problem she went in for a check. The blurring is especially a problem at work looking at a white screen. This is all in the right eye. She noticed the floaters with the blur about a week ago. She had floaters before that came and went a few years ago. She was born and lived in Brazil until age 10. She then moved to Florida. VA 20/20 in both eyes