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52 year old man About 1 month ago the vision in the left eye went from slightly hazy to very very hazy. He went to see you as an emergency and started agressive steroids. After the first night of treatment the vision was starting to improve. Then as he was tapering the haziness came back. VA OD: Dcc20/32 NccJ3 VA OS: sc20/100-1 NscJ1 Left eye has lighter iris and chronic uveitis

Fuchs Heterochromic Iridocyclitis - Left eye has inflammation1421 viewsThe right eye is darker than the left eye which has chronic iritis00000
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52 year old man About 1 month ago the vision in the left eye went from slightly hazy to very very hazy. He went to see you as an emergency and started agressive steroids. After the first night of treatment the vision was starting to improve. Then as he was tapering the haziness came back. VA OD: Dcc20/32 NccJ3 VA OS: sc20/100-1 NscJ1 Left eye has lighter iris and chronic uveitis