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29 year old female reports that the right eye became blurry with a "funny feeling" about a weeks ago which has progressed to central grey spot. History of PCOS, Endometriosis, possibly Fibromyalgia. 1 healthy 2 year with unremarkable pregnancy. No pain OD except on the first day the patient noticed decreased. Patient had flu-like symptoms after Thanksgiving 2017 and went to Urgent Care in AZ after she became worse. Has taken amoxicillin antibiotic since Urgent Care visit 11/30/17. Patient had rashes on hands and feet as well as chest. Felt she had "little cuts" on hands and feet. VA 20/200 OD, 20/32 OS. Vision in the right eye improved to near normal within 1 months and elevated titers of Coxsackie B3 and B4 titers.

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Unilteral Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy - Initial Presentation352 views00000
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Unilteral Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy - Initial Presentation339 views00000
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Unilteral Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy - Initial Presentation362 views00000
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Unilteral Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy - 2 weeks following other images404 views00000
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18 files on 1 page(s)

29 year old female reports that the right eye became blurry with a "funny feeling" about a weeks ago which has progressed to central grey spot. History of PCOS, Endometriosis, possibly Fibromyalgia. 1 healthy 2 year with unremarkable pregnancy. No pain OD except on the first day the patient noticed decreased. Patient had flu-like symptoms after Thanksgiving 2017 and went to Urgent Care in AZ after she became worse. Has taken amoxicillin antibiotic since Urgent Care visit 11/30/17. Patient had rashes on hands and feet as well as chest. Felt she had "little cuts" on hands and feet. VA 20/200 OD, 20/32 OS. Vision in the right eye improved to near normal within 1 months and elevated titers of Coxsackie B3 and B4 titers.