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61 year old man with poor vision right eye for many years. Laser was done 3 years ago by me to the right eye. There is increased swelling in the right macula. VA OD: Dcc20/200+1 PHNI VA OS: Dcc20/16

Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease353 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease346 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease346 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease369 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease323 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease321 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease319 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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Macular Macroaneurysm with Coats Disease358 views61 year old man with increased leakage from macular macroaneurysm right eye00000
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61 year old man with poor vision right eye for many years. Laser was done 3 years ago by me to the right eye. There is increased swelling in the right macula. VA OD: Dcc20/200+1 PHNI VA OS: Dcc20/16