Retained Lens Fragments and Dislocated Intraocular Lens
Cataract surgery last week. Poor vision and floaters:
Latanaprost OU, Combigan OU, Imprimis OD
VA 20/100 OD, 20/63 OS
IOP 24 OD, 18 OS
The eye has not done well:
Intra-operative retinal tear at 4:00 with RD from 3-6.
Needed to remove IOL and reattach retina.
Eye has not done well.
3/4/20 – Lens fragment surgery
4/8/20 – Recurrent RD with PVR – Buckle PPV, Laser Gas
5/6/20 – Inferior PVR – PPV, Laser, retinectomy, Oil
7/15/20 Emergent removal of oil for pupillary block
9/16/20 Total PVR RD – PPV, retinectomy, PFO, Laser, Oil
Cataract surgery last week. Poor vision and floaters:
Latanaprost OU, Combigan OU, Imprimis OD
VA 20/100 OD, 20/63 OS
IOP 24 OD, 18 OS
The eye has not done well:
Intra-operative retinal tear at 4:00 with RD from 3-6.
Needed to remove IOL and reattach retina.
Eye has not done well.
3/4/20 – Lens fragment surgery
4/8/20 – Recurrent RD with PVR – Buckle PPV, Laser Gas
5/6/20 – Inferior PVR – PPV, Laser, retinectomy, Oil
7/15/20 Emergent removal of oil for pupillary block
9/16/20 Total PVR RD – PPV, retinectomy, PFO, Laser, Oil