73-year old female - She had no visual complaints. She did notice a gradual decline in vision in the left eye. She also had cataracts. She was seeing the optometrist for glasses so no scans were done. She was told there might have been a decline from the cataracts. This started about 3-4 years ago. She was first noted to have swelling in the left eye one year ago. There was a possibility of something else so the patient had 3-4 Eylea injections October - December of 2021. Since then, she has not had any treatment (this was one year ago). She has been watching the left eye for change. If the vision were to get worse, then further treatment, like vitrectomy, could be considered. She lost hearing in the right eye ear and has been on oral prednisone for that. Medical Hx: Ear Steroid Injections x 5. Pure Hypercholesterolemia, Unspecified. Ocular Migraines. GERD. Gall Stones. Tinitis. Surgical Hx: Hysterectomy. Knee Surgery. Systemic Meds: Valacyclovir 1 Gram BID. ATORVASTATIN. CLONAZEPAM. ESTRADIOL. Imitrex. Methocarbamol. Omega 3. OMEPRAZOLE. Topiramate. VA 20/25 OD, 20/32 OS IOP 23,23 3+ Nuclear sclerotic cataract With 3 years follow-up the vision and the macula are stable.