011 November 2012 Best Image Finalists - Dislocated IOL and Retinal Detachment - Jason Calhoun - Photographer - Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Retinal Detachment with Dislocated IOL Lens1223 views47-year old male who had trauma to the right eye. Patient had retinal detachment surgery in the past (Scleral Buckle), to the right eye. Patient came in with another retinal detachment with dislocated PC IOL lens. Notice the haptics tearing the retina. Patient underwent vitrectomy with gas exchange. VA was hand motion 1-day post op. (3 votes)
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion687 views (1 votes)
Toxoplasmosis - Vitreoretinal Traction856 viewsA 28-year old male who noticed an upper partial visual loss to his right eye for about 2-weeks. Diagnosed with retinitis and was put on acyclovir. Patient received second opinion due to culture of aqueous humor which was then diagnosed as Toxoplasmosis. VA was 20/25 in the right eye. Pt has been followed after for the past 7-months. (1 votes)
Grouped pigmentation - Bear Tracks1427 views71 year old caucasian woman with incidental finding of extensive grouped RPE hypertrophy. Routine colonoscopy performed in the preceding year was normal. (0 votes)
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion - Severe Optic Nerve Edema819 views15 yr old male presents with sudden onset of painless decreased vision in right eye x 6 days gradually worsening. No history of Trauma OD 20/30 OS 20/25, Diagnosis CRVO with ? Papillophlebitis. (0 votes)
Retinal Detachment Secondary to Irregular Retinal Tear714 viewsRetinal Detachment with Irregular Retinal Tear (1 votes)
14.5 seconds739 viewsCorresponding FA for Cilioretinal artery occlusion with early venous stasis retinopathy (1 votes)
Retinal Pigmintosa810 views28-year old female with no light perception in the right eye. (1 votes)
Central Serous Retinopathy812 viewsYoung male who comes in for follow up on CSR in the left eye. Patient had focal laser treatment 1-month ago. There are still spots of leaking and proceeded with another focal laser treatment. Notice the top of the hyperfluorescent area. (2 votes)