016 - April 2013 Best Image Finalist - Winner - Rubeosis Iridis - Jason Calhoun - Photographer - Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Rubeosis Iridis1066 viewsPatient presents with Rubeosis Iridis in the right eye due to neovascular glaucoma. VA is 20/40 in the right eye. Will follow up in 3-months. (3 votes)
OU Stereo Pair Optic Disc Drusen1498 viewsText book example of OU optic discs with drusen in stereo. (1 votes)
Large serous PED920 views63-year-old female with acute onset large retinal pigment epithelium detachment from age-related macular degeneration (0 votes)
Choroidal Rupture Secondary to Ocular Trauma842 views (1 votes)
Central Serous Choroidopathy with Smoke Stack and Mushroom Cloud - Fluorescein Angiogram945 views (1 votes)
Iris Neovascularization secondary to Central Retinal Artery Occlusion1038 views (1 votes)
Post-Op Vitrectomy with Membrane Stripping and Laser711 viewsPatient had surgery to help clear up some vision in the left eye. Pre-op VA was count fingers at 1-ft. Post op VA was 20/200 in the left eye. Patient will return in 3-months for follow-up. (1 votes)
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis853 viewsPatient who is HIV Positive with Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. Patient was treated with Gangcyclovir Intra-Vitreal injection. (2 votes)