028 - April 2014 - Best Image Finalists - Winner - Lupus Retinopathy - Jason Calhoun - Photographer - Mayo Clinic Jacksonville
Lupus Retinopathy859 viewsFemale patient comes in for eval on Lupus Retinopathy. Has poor vision in the right eye. VA is hand motion in the right eye. Fundus photos show fibrosis along the temporal arcades and narrowing of the arteries. No macular edema found. (2 votes)
Epiretinal Membrane with Flecks of Hemorrhage942 views (1 votes)
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion with Disc Collaterals878 views (1 votes)
Large Retinal Detachment with PVR982 viewsPatient with poor vision in the left eye. Fundus photography shows rhegamatogenous retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy in the left eye. Silicone oil is also present in the left eye. (1 votes)
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum with Angioid Streaks882 viewsYoung female patient who comes in for routine eye exam, VA 20/20 in both eyes. Fundus photos shows a Peu'd orange appearance in the periphery of the retina and angioid streaks around the optic nerve. (1 votes)
Morning Glory Syndrome, Optic Nerve1221 viewsPatient comes in for cataract evaluation. VA 20/60, right eye and 20/150, left eye. Fundus photo shows "morning glory syndrome" of the optic nerve in the left eye. (1 votes)
Pterygium and RK Scars824 viewsPatient comes in for SCL fitting. VA is 20/30. right eye and 20/70, left eye. Slit lamp photos show 8-RK Scars in both eyes. Pterygium, nasally, left eye. (1 votes)