Foreign Body "Rust Ring" 1056 viewsPatient complained of redness and tearing with white discharge. Patient was working with a grinding wheel on a vehicle. Slit lamp exam shows a rust ring barley off center. FBS was removed with Algiers Brush. (2 votes)
Foreign Body "Rust Ring" 609 viewsPatient complained of redness and tearing with white discharge. Patient was working with a grinding wheel on a vehicle. Slit lamp exam shows a rust ring barley off center. FBS was removed with Algiers Brush. (0 votes)
Foreign Body "Rust Ring" 720 viewsPatient complained of redness and tearing with white discharge. Patient was working with a grinding wheel on a vehicle. Slit lamp exam shows a rust ring barley off center. FBS was removed with Algiers Brush. (0 votes)
Foreign Body "Rust Ring" 750 viewsPatient complained of redness and tearing with white discharge. Patient was working with a grinding wheel on a vehicle. Slit lamp exam shows a rust ring barley off center. FBS was removed with Algiers Brush. (0 votes)