Image search results - "asteroid"

Asteroid Hyalosis - Benign Calcified Deposits in the Vitreous1362 views75 year old woman with 20/30 vision and dense asteroid haylosis

Asteroid Hyalosis - Benign Calcified Deposits in the Vitreous1136 views75 year old woman with 20/30 vision and dense asteroid haylosis

Asteroid Hyalosis - Asymptomatic592 views80-year-old woman her vision is not bothering her, you noticed a problem with the retina. Her left eye tests worse than the right eye today, but she says that it has been like that for a long time and she is not bothered by any floaters or change in central vision.
VISUAL ACUITY: OD is 20/25, OS 20/40

Asteroid Hyalosis - Asymptomatic553 views80-year-old woman her vision is not bothering her, you noticed a problem with the retina. Her left eye tests worse than the right eye today, but she says that it has been like that for a long time and she is not bothered by any floaters or change in central vision.
VISUAL ACUITY: OD is 20/25, OS 20/40

Asteroid Hyalosis - Asymptomatic622 views80-year-old woman her vision is not bothering her, you noticed a problem with the retina. Her left eye tests worse than the right eye today, but she says that it has been like that for a long time and she is not bothered by any floaters or change in central vision.
VISUAL ACUITY: OD is 20/25, OS 20/40

Asteroid Hyalosis - Asymptomatic581 views80-year-old woman her vision is not bothering her, you noticed a problem with the retina. Her left eye tests worse than the right eye today, but she says that it has been like that for a long time and she is not bothered by any floaters or change in central vision.
VISUAL ACUITY: OD is 20/25, OS 20/40

Asteroid Hyalosis - Asymptomatic528 views80-year-old woman her vision is not bothering her, you noticed a problem with the retina. Her left eye tests worse than the right eye today, but she says that it has been like that for a long time and she is not bothered by any floaters or change in central vision.
VISUAL ACUITY: OD is 20/25, OS 20/40

6mm x 11mm Melanoma754 views76 year old male present with a 6mm x 1mm melanoma. Large melanoma very nasal OS. Asteroid Hyalosis present OS only. VA 20/40 OD 20/40 OS.