Choroidal Melanoma with Retinal Detachment818 views57 year old female who underwent proton beam therapy for Choroidal Melanoma. VA was 20/400 at post op visit.
PXE with Angioid Streaks920 viewsPXE with angioid streaks OS (12/09/2011)
Probable Measles Retinopathy1139 views52-year old female wanted second opinion on retinal eval. Patient had PK and PDT in the left eye. VA was 20/30, right eye was count fingers. Pinhole was NI, both eyes. Patient's mother had measles. Notice pigment changes in both the color and FAF photo.
Choroideremia1052 views62-year old female who has extensive retinal damage in both eyes. VA 20/50 right eye, HM, left eye. Spot in vision, which is PSC, both eyes.
Retinal Coloboma1169 views14-year old male presents with decreased vision in the left eye. Dx with iris and retinal coloboma in the left eye. Patient VA was 20/20, right eye, 20/100 left eye with pinhole improvement 20\50. Patient was fitted for SCL in the left eye.
late phase mushroom cloud, acute CSR1252 viewsFocus is on the peri-foveal vessels illustrates the extremely bullous RD from this mushroom cloud of leakage. The RD was substantially improved after 2 weeks of oral rifampin. Visual acuity improved from 20/200 to 20/70 OD.