Epiretinal Membrane with Pseudohole385 viewsEpiretinal Membrane with Pseudohole
James L. Perron, C.R.A.
Epiretinal Membrane1011 viewsEpiretinal Membrane
Epiretinal Membrane with Pseudohole949 views
Epiretinal Membrane589 views
ERM with Pseudohole647 views
Epiretinal Membrane Stereo Pair407 views
ERM443 viewsERM: Epiretinal Membrane
Five years prior to presentation this patient was struck in the eye with a basketball, suffering a vitreal hemorrhage. He underwent vitrectomy and cataract surgery. He later developed a faint ERM. On recent presentation he complained of increased blurring and a floater in his O.D. Examination determined that the ERM had become more prominent.