1449 viewsAdult male with trauma to the right eye and orbital floor fracture. Hemorrhage with Choroidal Rupture.
Juvenile Onset Diabetic - Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy with NVE and NVD3852 viewsProliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Neovascularization of the Disc and Neovascularization Elsewhere.
James L. Perron, C.R.A.
Astrocytic Hamartoma1837 viewsCalcified astrocytic hamartoma of the optic nerve
Emulsified silicone oil in anterior chamger1330 views
Combined schisis-rhegmatogenous RD1943 viewsMultiple outer layer and inner layer holes
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma1212 viewsPresented with hyphaema after minor trauma
Melanoma1182 viewsYoung male with large Melanoma
Choroidal Melanoma with Retinal Detachment1069 views57 year old female who underwent proton beam therapy for Choroidal Melanoma. VA was 20/400 at post op visit.