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Image search results - "july2013"

Melanoma559 views
Ciliary Body Melanoma716 views71-year old male who was recently diagnosed with a large ciliary body melanoma that is pushing into the anterior chamber of the left eye. Patient is going to proceed with proton therapy.
Gonioscopy of Blood in the Angle944 viewsYoung female who has a history of uveitis, glaucoma and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. VA is hand motion in the left eye. Pigment changes with some blood in the anterior chamber seen here on Gonioscopy.
Retinal Detachment with Macula Detached.811 viewsPatient went to the ER over the weekend with loss of vision in the right eye. VA was count fingers in the right eye. Noticed a curtain in the right eye. Horseshoe tear was seen at 10-o'clock temporally, right eye. Proceeded with surgery the next day.
Central Arterial Occlusion with Embolism Present723 viewsPatient comes in with CRAO in the right eye. VA was hand motion. Fundus photo shows white veil over the retina with 2-emboli in a branch artery temporal in the right eye. She will be evaluated for emboli and followed up in a month
Nearly complete coloboma1058 viewsNearly complete coloboma from necropsy of infant born with multiple congenital anomalies, incompatable with life, including holorprosencephaly. Infant expired on 3rd post-partum day
Choroidal Metastasis Tumor 895 viewsPatient that a history of breast cancer. She has a metastasis tumor superiority in the right eye. VA was 20/20, right eye. Patient underwent radiation and chemotherapy and mass has not changed in size for the past year.
Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis, Left Upper Eyelid990 viewsContact lens wearer, comes in for exam. Has rough feeling underneath both eyelids. Patient thought it was through SCL wear. Patient VA was 20/20. right eye, 20/30, left eye. Underneath the left upper eyelid, you can see papillary inflammation and redness.
Fibrosis Traction822 viewsYoung female patient with severe diabetes. Patients VA is 20/400 in the right eye. Fundus photos show a lot of fibrosis traction throughout the macula area. Fovea seems flat. Patient will undergo surgery for peeling of traction.
9 files on 1 page(s)