Central Retinal Artery Occlusion876 viewsCentral Retinal Artery Occlusion with cilio artery perfusion.
Melanoma of Optic Nerve796 viewsPatient comes in for evaluation on Optic Nerve Melanoma in the right eye. Patient's VA is 20/40 in the right eye. Fundus photograph reveals melanoma invading optic nerve and ultrasound reveals behind the optic nerve as well.
Treated Choroidal Melanoma720 viewsFollow up patient for melanoma in the right eye that was treated with proton beam therapy. VA is 20/50 in the right eye. Fundus photo shows scattered hemorrhages inferiorly with tumor temporal inferior at 8-o'clock. Patient will be followed up in 6-months
Peripheral Iridotomy755 viewsSlit lamp photo of peripheral iridotomy for narrow angles. A hole was place at 10-o'clock superior temporally.
Bullous Retinal Detachment810 viewsPatient comes in with a curtain down in his vision in the right eye. Patient was hand motion. Fundus photograph shows retinal detachment with macula detached temporal superiorly in the right eye. There were 3-retinal tears between 10-12-o'clock. Schedule scleral buckle to fix RD.
360-Degree Scleral Buckle1403 viewsPatient comes in with double vision from recent retinal detachment surgery. Optos shows 360 degree scleral buckle with retina attached. No holes or breaks visible. Patient had fresnel prism added on to lens to correct the double vision.
Silicone Oil Bubbles in the Angle1047 viewsPatient is evaluated for glaucoma associated with ocular inflammation. VA is CF in the right eye and 20/50, left eye. Gonioscopy photos shows little silicone oil bubbles in the inferior angle of the right eye. Patient to consider removal of silicone oil.
Old Retinal Detachment Repair with Silicone Oil790 viewsPatient comes in for eval on glaucoma. Patients VA in the right eye was CF in the right eye and 20/50. left eye. Fundus photography shows old retinal detachment with scattered laser scars in the periphery. Silicone oil visible in the macula as well.