Retina Gallery ~ Full Sized Retina Images

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Image search results - "may2014"

Retinoblastoma1668 viewsYoung male who has a retinal tumor inferior with a calcium core in the left eye. This is a regressed retinoblastoma.
Hyphema1418 viewsHyphema
Full Thickness Macular Hole821 viewsFull Thickness Macular Hole
Retinal Tear Surrounded By Laser Border726 views
Foreign Body "Rust Ring" 1061 viewsPatient complained of redness and tearing with white discharge. Patient was working with a grinding wheel on a vehicle. Slit lamp exam shows a rust ring barley off center. FBS was removed with Algiers Brush.
Ahmed Tube Placement966 viewsPatient with severe glaucoma is seen post op for ahmed tube placement. VA is 20/70 and IOP is 8 in the left eye. Patient is stable.
6 files on 1 page(s)