Iris Neovascularization1112 viewsDiabetic patient with advanced iris neovascularization
Juvenile Onset Diabetic - Proliferative Diabetic retinopathy with NVE and NVD3839 viewsProliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with Neovascularization of the Disc and Neovascularization Elsewhere.
James L. Perron, C.R.A.
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy with NVD, NVE, and Pre Retinal Hemorrhage518 viewsJuvenile Onset Diabetic with NVD, NVE and Pre Retinal Hemorrhage.
PDR, NVE - interesting shape339 views24 yr. old with uncontrolled blood sugar. Decreased vision from 20/40 O.U. in August of 2012, to 20/200: OD and 20/CF: OS in January 2013.
Iris Neovascularization secondary to Central Retinal Artery Occlusion1037 views
Corneal Neovascularization338 views
419 viewsLate Leakage on FA
ARMD: Macular Degeneration with Subretinal Neovascular Membrane349 viewsARMD: Macular Degeneration with Subretinal Neovascular Membrane.
Upon presentation, this patient was found to have blots of subretinal hemorrhage extending into her FAZ, secondary to a subretinal neovascular membrane.