Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Optic Nerve Swelling and Foveal Edema and Exudate859 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Line Scan OS Shows Nerve and Retinal Edema592 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Optic Nerve Swelling621 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Swelling of Optic Nerve Left Eye and Foveal Exudate739 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Normal Right Eye485 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Red Free Photo Shows Optic Nerve Telangiectasis531 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Telangiectatic Vessels on Nerve After Edema Subsided666 viewsNo treatment was done and the nerve swelling subsided over about 6 months. This photo is taken one year after the ones showing swelling. There is still a trace APD.
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Macular Exudate OS572 viewsNo treatment was done and the nerve swelling subsided over about 6 months. This photo is taken one year after the ones showing swelling. There is still a trace APD.
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Macular Exudate Left Eye696 viewsNo treatment was done and the nerve swelling subsided over about 6 months. This photo is taken one year after the ones showing swelling. There is still a trace APD.
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic Fundus Photo 1 year after initial episode VA 20/200604 viewsNo treatment was done and the nerve swelling subsided over about 6 months. This photo is taken one year after the ones showing swelling. There is still a trace APD.
Atypical Neuroretinitis - ?Ischemic - ?Paraneoplastic - Line Scan OS 1 year After Initial Episode509 views74-year-old woman has stage 4 non-small cell lung carcinoma decreasing vision in the left eye for at least the last two weeks, VA 10/200. Trace APD OS. No pain