Epiretinal Membrane with Pseudohole387 viewsEpiretinal Membrane with Pseudohole
James L. Perron, C.R.A.
Epiretinal Membrane1019 viewsEpiretinal Membrane
Haramotoma with ERM508 viewsHaramotoma with an ERM in the OS of a middle aged man
PDR w/ERM and severe CSDME531 views24 year old woman with uncontrolled blood sugar; progressively worsening vision OU - from level of 20/40 in August 2012 to 20/200:OD and 20/CF:OS in January 2013.
ERM with Pseudohole651 views
ERM448 viewsERM: Epiretinal Membrane
Five years prior to presentation this patient was struck in the eye with a basketball, suffering a vitreal hemorrhage. He underwent vitrectomy and cataract surgery. He later developed a faint ERM. On recent presentation he complained of increased blurring and a floater in his O.D. Examination determined that the ERM had become more prominent.